Area of Expertise:

Dock Accessories

About Oscar:

Oscar is the General Manager of Haven Dock and Marine, our sister company, and has served in that capacity for 5+ years.  He is the expert on all things related to dock accessories and runs our dock accessory office and warehouse.

Recent Posts by Oscar Barraso

outdoor entertainment, What Is a Dock Box? Types, Uses, & More
Marina Accessories

What Is a Dock Box? Types, Uses, & More

Whether you're a boater or not, you know that there's no such thing as having too much storage space. When planning a fun and relaxing day out on the water, a spacious, convenient, and durable storage unit always comes in...

outdoor entertainment, Underwater Dock Lighting Guide
Dock Projects

Underwater Dock Lighting Guide

Underwater dock lighting offers many benefits to homeowners who want to improve the appearance and functionality of their boat docks. However, discovering the best options for your needs can be intimidating and overwhelming. Read on to learn more about underwater...

outdoor entertainment, Vinyl Seawalls: A Detailed Guide

Vinyl Seawalls: A Detailed Guide

Vinyl seawalls are gaining popularity and are an excellent option for homeowners looking to invest in a long-lasting, cost-effective barrier. However, many people aren't sure what they are or how they work. To help you get up to speed, here's...

outdoor entertainment, Dock Hardware: Essentials You’ll Need to Build a Dock
Dock Projects

Dock Hardware: Essentials You’ll Need to Build a Dock

Do you want to install a boat dock but don't know where to begin? Then we’re here to help.You first need to apply for a dock permit and gather all the specific dock hardware that you will need. Keep reading...


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